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Saturday, October 30, 2010

It has been a mystery up 'til now

Chloe went to college to be an elementary school teacher.  She really had a passion to be the best teacher she could be.  Everyone thought it was crazy when she quit teaching English at Thomas Jefferson Elementary school, moved to Boca Raton, and went to work as a clerk in an adult book store.  Now we know.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Steve Jobs and Ronald McDonald, TOGETHER AT LAST

I've been doing well on my diet, and thought I would treat myself to a McDonalds Apple Pie.  I loved these when I was a kid.  I don't know how many Mad Scientists it took to come up with the new recipe, but it didn't taste like apples at all, unless of course they are using parts of old IPODS and Macintosh computers, it actually did taste a lot like that kind of apple.

The Devil Is In The Details

Barb Charmin, the inventor, was the "Big Idea" kind of gal.  Thankfully, she left the little things like materials and final touches up to her husband, Scott.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Certainly the TV Censors would not let the GLEE cast do the Rocky Horror Picture Show without changing the lyrics of some of the songs.  They do this to protect children you know.  

Instead of, "I'm just a sweet transvestite from TRANSEXUAL Transylvania."  They changed it to, "I'm just a sweet transvestite, from SENSATIONAL Transylvania."  Even worse, "I was feeling done in, couldn't win.  I'd only ever kissed before.  I thought there is no use getting into heavy PETTING.  It only leads to trouble, and SEAT WETTING!" became, "... heavy SWEATING and BAD FRETTING."

All over America, children were saying to their parents, "Mom, Dad, did you see what those bitches did to your favorite movie?  That fuckin sucks."

The First Clue is The Best Clue

Dave was never really proud of the right things.
She loved cooking.  The first few times he ate her meals on the toilet, she couldn't help but take it personally.  She didn't complain though, the first few weeks of a new marriage could reveal all sorts of things.  It was when he crawled up onto the kitchen sink to poop that she regretted her silence.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Marley Quit Licking Everything

I guess when he was neutered he figured that anything else he loved licking would be taken away as well.
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