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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Its Hard To Believe... Republican Version

I am amazed that the Republican Party, which used to demand that we "Buy American" is holding up tax cuts for 98% of Americans in order to give tax breaks to the millionaires and billionaires who own the companies that our sending our American jobs overseas.  Refusing to allow Unemployment Benefits to be extended to the very people to whom they once extolled that only American Pride like Ronald Reagan's could "Make America Great Again."  

The Republican Party Line is that unless Billionaires like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros and David Geffen get to keep another chunk of the money that they have so much of that they can't even use it in their lifetimes if they spent $10,000 per day for the rest of their lives, then no tax cuts for the other 98% of Americans.  Republicans are also holding up these middle class tax cuts to ensure that if Paris Hilton were to inherit money that she has never worked a day her life to earn, that she would pay a smaller amount of taxes on that money after January 1, than she would have if she inherited the same amount of money during the Clinton Administration.

I find it hard to believe that the America first crowd, puts Americans last, over the wealthiest people in the country having some extra money to invest in companies that are daily moving their jobs to India and Singapore and China, creating a new middle class in those countries, while devastating the middle class here in AMERICA. 

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